Wednesday, December 14, 2011

#1 Way to Relax Your Restless Mind, and Fall Asleep Faster; Naturally!

#1 Way to Relax Your Restless Mind, and Fall Asleep Faster; Naturally! #1 Way to Relax Your Restless Mind, and Fall Asleep Faster; Naturally!

If you want to relax your restless mind, and fall asleep faster... Naturally; Then these steps I use to fall asleep much faster may be just what you need!

You get in bed at night, tired and ready for a good nights sleep, you follow all the suggested methods to prepare for a good night sleep, but you still lay there for what seems like hours… tossing and turning, so many thoughts and images constantly clouding your mind. Whether it’s thoughts of today’s activities or anxiety about an upcoming event, you just can’t seem to fall sleep. I call this ‘Restless mind syndrome’… when your body is tired, but you mind is wide awake.

So, what can you do to fall asleep? Well, let me share a technique with you, that I use to fall asleep quickly that works pretty darn well for me, and if done correctly, will help just about anyone fall asleep faster, and wake up feeling refreshed.

After doing all the regular steps to prepare for sleep: Bath, proper foods and drink, etc. You still must do one other, important thing to get that good night sleep that you much desire and need. To fall asleep faster we need to clear our mind of all the thoughts, images and scenarios that block our being able to drift off into a good night’s sleep.


1. Clear your mind:

Make sure the room is quiet and comfortable. Turn out lights. Close your eyes. Now make your mind a complete blank. Don’t allow any images to enter your mind, pull your thoughts back to the present time and place (don’t think of or visualize any past or future events, as this will keep your mind active, making you restless and toss and turn through out the night). With your eyes closed concentrate on the darkness of your mind. (A mental blindfold, so to speak).

2. Deep slow breaths:

Deep breathing can have a powerful influence on our health, and also is important for spiritual development. Breathing deeply increases our vitality, promotes relaxation, helps to harmonize our nervous system and reduce the amount of stress in our lives.
  • Take a deep breath, slowly inhaling through your nose, and relax.
  • Exhale completely through your mouth, making a slow whooshing sound.
  • Close your mouth and inhale again slowly through your nose.
  • Hold your breath for a count of seven.
  • Exhale completely through your mouth, making a slow whooshing sound each time you exhale.
  • Now inhale again and repeat the cycle until you are relaxed and with your mind now cleared of thoughts and images you should fall asleep quickly.


Repeat steps 1 and 2 simultaneously until you fall asleep.

 NOTE: If thoughts and images try to re-enter your mind, repeat step 1, and count backwards from 100 to 0 as you breathe as stated in step 2. 

Sometimes with my eye lids closed, I will sort of 'roll' my eyes around as I do the above mentioned steps. This technique really helps me to relax and fall asleep even faster!

Follow these steps and you will fall asleep much faster. This works for me, and with practice it will work for you also.

If you do this each night, it will become easier to make your mind a complete blank, control your breathing and turn off the ‘restless mind syndrome’ and get a good night’s sleep. 

Remember the key is to clear your mind of thoughts and images by closing your eyes and concentrating only the darkness behind your eyelids. 

Also, remember to repeat steps 1 and 2 simultaneously until you fall asleep.


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